Please join me next Thursday, July 8<sup>th</sup> on Zoom at 3:00 pm for the Metastatic Breast Cancer

Support Group. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

And in other news:

Living Beyond Breast Cancer has partnered with the Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Foundation to host Elaine Walsh, MB BCh BAO, PhD, to answer your questions about triple-
negative breast cancer symptoms, side effects, and treatment options for early-stage and
metastatic breast cancer. Join us virtually on Wednesday, July 21, for Ask the expert:
Triple-negative breast cancer, made possible, in part, by signature sponsor AstraZeneca.
Here’s where to register if you are interested

Event passed thanks for attending!
As things start to open up around us, for some it can create anxiety and fear of the unknown.
We have been in our safe bubbles and have been accustomed to expect things a certain way.
The speed of reopening may be too fast for some as well as the possible push from well-
meaning family and friends to ‘just get out there’. Being in this situation with MBC and under
treatment, even with vaccinations complete, it is natural to be hesitant about going out again.
This talk discusses the feelings people are struggling with and how to get comfortable as the
world begins to move on from covid19
Coping with the stress of reopening with Celeste Vaughan-Briggs, LCSW

America’s Got Talent had a woman with metastatic cancer give a stellar performance the middle
of June. What she says and sings is something that we should all remember. I cried!
___ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Maybe this year we could take away the ‘summer body’ pressure,
no questions asked.
Maybe this year we could just embrace summer, rolls and all, and be absolutely deserving of the
joy that sunshine brings after a winter of discontent.
Maybe we could all admit, that having gone through the hardest collective year, we can’t
possibly be re-emerging in pristine condition.
Maybe, we could just abandon ourselves to the lull of the summer breeze and float through the
blissful long days full of light and laughter, languishing and loved (by ourselves).
If we can do that, maybe we can repeat it every year too?
Because every year we deserve to just be who we are, regardless of this ‘bikini body’ we are all
supposed to seek.
We are humans,
not mannequins.
And summer is a gift we haven’t been making the most of, for the wrong reasons.
So, lets cancel the summer body.
Bodies are not seasonal, nor are they responsive to expectations.
You’re beautiful, in any shape or size and you are alive, you survived to see another summer and
that’s the only truth you need to know.
Donna Ashworth

‘the right words’

View Book Here…/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp…

Art by The Geek Brush

#summerbody #cancelsummerbody #loveyourbody #bodypositive #weightloss #weightgain
#bodylove #selfloverevolution #melindarodrigues #donnaashworth #sunday

We are not made from a blueprint and we cannot possibly be enjoying life to the full if our
appearance is at the front of everything.

A bikini body is something sold to us by the industries who thrive when we punish ourselves for
nothing more than our natural state.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions, or if you’d like to make sure that we have a
discussion about a particular subject when we do our support group. I am ALWAYS just an email