
Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Preside over and serve as President of all meetings of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors and general membership, promptly upholding Roberts Rules of Order and enforcing the presence of a quorum to properly conduct business.  
  2. Act as support for the Executive Director
  3. Act as support/mentor to President-Elect
  4. Motivate board members, committee members and general membership to do their best.
  5. Support the Executive Director in the creation of an annual business plan.
  6. Ensure development and facilitation of a long-term strategic plan.
  7. Responsible for communicating with and supervising the directors to ensure that all assignments and activities are completed according to the strategic plan and goals.
  8. Keep Breast Cancer Action Ottawa financially sound, adhere to the budget and follow financial procedures including the annual audit.  
  9. Ensure adherence to Bylaws and Policies and Procedures.
  10. Ensure that Breast Cancer Action Ottawa adheres to minimum standards (compliance) as prescribed by its bylaws and procedures; evaluate decisions ensuring concensus amongst the Board of Directors.
  11. Report to members on Breast Cancer Action Ottawa’s operations, board actions, and state membership through speeches, letters or publications.
  12. Appoint all members of standing and special committees and relieve any inactive
  13. Approve draft consent agenda for Executive Committee and Board of Directors’ meetings.
  14. Approve the Annual Report reviewing activities and finances prior to distribution to members.
  15. Approve draft agenda of Annual General Meeting.
  16. Vote on issues brought before the Board of Directors only in the event of a tie.
  17. Organize and facilitate the Board Retreats that includes review of the Annual Strategic Business Plan.
  18. Serve as liaison with the Executive Director.
President Elect

Specific Responsibilities:  

  1. Serve as direct support to the President.  
  2. Act as coach, advisor and counselor to Board members and committees.  
  3. In the absence of the President, perform duties of the President with the powers of, and subject to, all restrictions upon the President.  
  4. Remain knowledgeable about all Breast Cancer Action Ottawa activities in order to take over for or represent the President at any time.  
  5. Serve on the Board Succession Planning Committee to develop a slate of qualified board members for the following year.  
  6. Prepare the annual operating budget with the Director, Finance for the coming fiscal year.
  7. Along with the Immediate Past President, act as guardian of Breast Cancer Action Ottawa's bylaws, policies and procedures to ensure they are updated as necessary and in compliance with polices procedures and by-laws.:  
Past President

Specific Responsibilities

  1. Act as support/mentor to the President and President Elect.  
  2. Act as coach, advisor and counselor to Board members and committees.  
  3. Ensure compliance with bylaws and policies.  
  4. Support the Executive Director in the production and distribution of the Annual Report, including audited financial statements, and collection of individual reports from all Board members.  
  5. Sit on the Governance & Selection Committee and manage appointments of members to sit on the committee, according to Chapter policies.  
  6. Support the Director Volunteer Management in the development of board leadership tools, such as Board Orientation packages and Mentor Program initiatives. Oversee and delegate any special projects or focus groups.
  7. Along with the President-Elect, act as guardian of the Chapter's bylaws, policies and procedures to ensure they are updated as necessary and in compliance with MPI bylaw standards.
  8. In the absence of the President and President-Elect, perform duties of the President with the powers of, and subject to, all restrictions upon the President.
  9. Coordinate and manage the Board of Directors’ Call for Applications process, including:

update of job descriptions, review of application form, promotion and release to membership, scheduling of candidate interviews and presenting a recommendation summary of the Board.

Director, Governance and Succession Planning

Specific Responsibilities:  

  1. Act as President of the Governance & Selection Committee and manage appointments of members to sit on the committee, according to Chapter policies.  
  2. Ensure minutes of committee meetings are taken and provide a final electronic copy to the Secretariat for archiving.
  3. Support the Director of Volunteer Management and Succession Planning in the development of leadership tools, such as Board Orientation packages and possible mentor program initiatives.
  4. Act as guardian of the Chapter's bylaws, policies and procedures to ensure they are updated as necessary and in compliance with MPI bylaw standards.
  5. Coordinate and manage the Board of Directors’ Call for Applications process, including:

Update of job descriptions, review of application form, promotion and release to membership, scheduling of candidate interviews and presenting a recommendation to the Board.

Director, Financial Planning
  1. Provide financial planning advice to ensure the long-term viability of Breast Cancer Action Ottawa.
  2. Comply with all governmental tax regulations and assist Auditor and Secretariat with Chapter tax reports as required.
  3. Ensure the Executive Director safekeeps Breast Cancer Action Ottawa funds in such banks, trust companies, and/or investments as approved by the Board of Directors.
  4. Ensure the Executive Director maintains proper accounting procedure for the receipt and handling of funds, maintenance of financial records, and payment of authorized invoices. Offer insight and recommendations to ensure financial efficiency and transparency.
  5. In conjunction with the Executive Director, present the audited financial statements to the membership at the Annual General Meeting for approval.
  6. In conjunction with the Executive Director ensure compliance to the budget throughout the year, including review of relevant financial policies.
Director, Communications

Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Identify, recruit and train required committee members
  2. Ensure minutes of your committee meetings are taken and provide a final electronic copy to the Executive Director for archiving
  3. Manage and supervise the publications, marketing, advertising, public relations, community outreach, and advocacy efforts of Breast Cancer Action Ottawa, including
    • Marketing - Website/technology
    • Publications – Newsletter, Social Media
    • Public Relations - Media Relations, Press Releases
    • Advertising - Newsletter Ads, Website Ads
    • Community Outreach - Philanthropic Activities
  4. Research current communications/technology trends and topics pertinent to the sector and report findings to the Board of Directors
  5. Perform an annual review of the website to ensure its efficiency as a primary communications device  
  6. Liaise with the Webmaster to develop and manage the operation of the website  
  7. Implement and manage the Website Change Request process and ensure timely updates to keep the website fresh and informative
  8. Liaise with the contracted supplier to develop an Advertising Opportunities prospectus for Breast Cancer Action Ottawa
  9. Facilitate posting of banner ads on the website
  10. Maintain website and social media presence and promote activities and events to members and City at large
  11. Work with appropriate committees to assist in publicizing events and capitalizing on social media
  12. Develop and manage collateral materials
  13. Ensure adherence to all branding standards
  14. Develop media contacts on behalf of Breast Cancer Action Ottawa and maintain partnerships with key media  
  15. Develop and maintain Breast Cancer Action Ottawa media kit
  16. Communicate with the media, stakeholders/members, and the general public to educate and promote sanctioned events, activities and community service projects
  17. Report to the Board of Directors on the strategies, successes and challenges of the portfolio
Director, Donor and Stakeholder Engagement

Specific Responsibilities:  

  1. Includes but is not limited to include, being coach, advisor and counselor to reporting Directors.
  2. Along with the Directors that report to this position, develop strategic goals and objectives for the team that support the business plan.
  3. Develop portfolio efforts, including: member recruitment, new member orientation & welcome, member care/ hospitality, member retention, awards/recognition programs, and the facilitation of networking for all member showcase events and activities.
  4. Establish membership growth and membership retention goals for the year in conjunction with Breast Cancer Action Ottawa’s overall goals.
  5. Along with the appropriate Directors that report to this position, develop and maintain an active and ongoing campaign to attain membership goals. Work with Director of Leadership & Volunteer Management to ensure volunteer engagement and satisfaction.
  6. Develop and maintain a plan regarding efforts to retain and increase membership.  
  7. Report to the Board of Directors on the strategies, successes and challenges stakeholder membership.
  8. Oversee the production of and provide content for the Membership Directory and ensure timely posting of any new members on the website as well as ensuring the removal of those not renewing their membership from the website.  
  9. Create and distribute a bi-annual Chapter needs assessment survey.
  10. Review, adhere and update all policies and procedures related to any initiatives stakeholder recruitment and retention initiatives.
Director, Revenue Generation

Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Act as coach, advisor and counselor to the Support Director, Fundraising and/or Committee (if instituted)
  2. Identify, recruit and train committee members
  3. Report to the Board of Directors on the strategies, successes and challenges of the Fundraising activities and initiatives
  4. Develop Breast Cancer Action Ottawa’s partnership/fundraising/donour prospectus for publication
  5. Oversee the contracting procedure for the Chapter’s contributing partners
  6. Develop strategies to establish strategic partnerships with potential partners and donators at the local, government, individual and corporate levels  
  7. Monitor association and sector trends to discover best practices in fundraising by other organizations
  8. Work with appropriate committee to develop and/or manage fundraising programs
  9. Ensure promotion of fundraising/donor efforts
  10. Ensure that promised benefits/deliverables are received by the partners
  11. Coordinate the production of a Partner Appreciation Reception (if required)
  12. Develop strategies to increase revenue and in-kind support for Breast Cancer Action Ottawa
Director – Volunteer Management and Interaction

Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Develop and maintain a Board 101 orientation program, with direction from the President-Elect
  2. Develop and execute a Leadership Succession plan  
  3. Coordinate any required board training sessions during the year (i.e. budgeting sessions)
  4. Facilitate an annual review of board and committee job descriptions to ensure accuracy and relevance
  5. Develop and maintain a Volunteer Management program
  6. Act as liaison between those seeking volunteer opportunities and board committees requiring volunteers
  7. Manage the active volunteer list and ensure all committee volunteers are active members
  8. Educate volunteers regarding processes, procedures and tools to achieve committee objectives
  9. Work with volunteers to expand volunteer long-term involvement with Breast Cancer Action Ottawa
  10. Develop a volunteer data base, website, volunteer application form and monitor the membership roster to ensure member in good standing status.  
  11. Encourage member involvement in committees  
  12. Report to the Board of Directors on the strategies, successes and challenges of the Leadership & Volunteer management programs
Director – Program Support and Development
    1. Oversee the development of the Health and Wellness Program
    2. Oversee the development of a Peer Support Program
    3. Oversee the development of a metastatic cancer support program
    4. Act as liaison between the Presidents of the Peer Support Program, Health and Wellness Program and Metastatic Cancer Support Program
    5. Report to the Board of Directors on the strategies, successes and challenges of the identified programs
    6. Working with and overseeing the following Program Chairs: Health and Wellness Program; Metastatic Cancer Program; Peer Support, Kelly Project; Dragon Boat.



Director, Event Innovation
  1. Create and implement a cadre of events identifying goals, target demographics and budget
  2. Identify tasks associated with each event
  3. Work with the Director, Volunteer Management and Interaction to ensure the correct number of volunteers are available at each event.
  4. Support the Executive Director in identifying donors (silent or live auction items)
  5. Manager volunteers in their roles when working on the event committees.
  6. Provide direction to the Executive Director to build timed event roll outs.
Director, Human Resources
  1. Serve as direct support to the President.
  2. In conjunction with the President, complete an annual review of the Executive Director.
  3. Create and implement a Board Self-Assessment Tool.
  4. Act as coach, advisor and counselor to Board members and committees.
  5. Remain knowledgeable about all Breast Cancer Action Ottawa activities in order to take over for or represent the Chair at any time.
  6. Act as guardian of Breast Cancer Action’s bylaws, policies and procedures to ensure they are updated as necessary and in compliance with bylaw standards.
  7. Ensure the current Board structure (org chart) and job descriptions are reviewed annually and made available on the Board website.